It’s supposed to be the most joyful time of your life. Either you are pregnant, or you just had a baby. You are supposed to have the pregnancy glow; you are only supposed to feel gratitude because you are being blessed or were just blessed with a new life. Instead, some of the thoughts and feelings you may be experiencing are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, emotional, extremely worried, having irrational thoughts that something may happen to your baby (or pregnancy) angry, having a difficult time attending to daily tasks and having daily or hourly crying spells. You may have prenatal or postpartum depression or anxiety. It is important for you to know that you did nothing to cause this as there are many factors to perinatal and postpartum mental health, which makes this time so vulnerable.
Some women are more at risk of developing postpartum depression/anxiety if you...
* have had anxiety or depression in the past.
*have had any mood disorders in the past.
*have experienced postpartum depression or anxiety during a previous pregnancy.
*have a history of depression or anxiety in the family.
*experienced a life stressor while pregnant, or shortly after.
*have limited support system.
*have medical complications during pregnancy.
*have had previous loss of pregnancy or loss of newborn or infant.
**It is important to note that some women may also experience symptoms of postpartum OCD and postpartum psychosis**